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Niebiańska Kuźnia  (WoG, HotA, VCMI)temat: Creature Recoloring
komnata: Niebiańska Kuźnia (WoG, HotA, VCMI)

planetavril PW
25 maja 2019, 15:02


Gorgon Gold

Sprites Black

Maskara Red


Cerbery Gold

Fairie Cold Dragon

Fairie Black Dragon

Fairie Red Dragon


Snow Satanist

Ayssid Red

Nix Warrior Gold

Elemental Red

White Eagle

Ursus PW
25 maja 2019, 16:08
It looks nice. Are you going to create a mod?

Drwal PW
25 maja 2019, 17:58
Screens please.

avatar PW
25 maja 2019, 19:21
planetavril - recolouring creatures were 'popular' in 2005 when WoG came out, because there wasn't tools and tutorials to create new ones. Now, almost nobody cares about recolourings, playes expect completely new, unique graphics.

avatar PW
25 maja 2019, 19:44
No, why delete? I support every kind of Heroes 3 modding! Just I want you to know that recolouring is not popular nowadays...

Szaman PW
25 maja 2019, 21:07
Like Avatar said, recoloring creature is not popular nowadays... But a nice RNG system with custom colors would by nice;)

Andruids PW
25 maja 2019, 23:43
A to ja też się pochwalę swoją kolorowanką. (btw, chodzi o misia, nie świetne elfy Sowera i witcha)

avatar PW
26 maja 2019, 01:12
Cóż to za blady bohater w lewym górnym rogu? :D

Dydzio PW
26 maja 2019, 07:44
@avatar: To Dydzio na diecie PKS (pizza, kebab, spaghetti).

@planetavril: If you are interested in 3D modelling just go and practise - saying "you can't" is just and excuse that blocks you from progress. For some time as VCMI developer I told myself I "can't" fix crash on scenario victory and that "somehow nobody fixed that, must be hard". I got stubborn and fixed two bugs - one causing crash and another that crashed game instead of returning to main menu when VCMI server crashes unexpectedly. It took me less than 3 hours.

At my first work I told myself I "cannot" code in typescript as secondary programming language. They decided that I should be able to do "not-so-hard" stuff there in addition to my main programming language I use at job. Turned out after a month of pure blind coding (no tutorials etc, just practice, trial and error) I was already able to teach it to another guy having internship in same technology.

PS. If you absolutely do not want to animate then models alone are already important - somebody else can animate them.

Fandor PW
26 maja 2019, 18:20
Moim skromnym zdaniem, przekolorowywanie jednostek to bardzo dobry pomysł. Oczywiście nie chodzi mi o tworzenia tysiąca wersji jakiejś jednostki w każdym kolorze tęczy, ale zdarza się, że można jakiejś jednostce zmienić paletę barw i wyciągnąć z niej znacznie więcej niż NWC czy pierwotny twórca moda z daną jednostką. Także mam nadzieję, że jeżeli już, to w tym temacie zostaniemy zalani jakimiś naprawdę ciekawymi wariacjami jednostek z banku stworzeń tak by móc je tam podmienić. ;)

planetavril PW
26 maja 2019, 19:28
it would be impossible to recolor all creatures and of all colors, there are few creatures that adapt to a different color

planetavril PW
12 stycznia 2020, 13:06
Small Divagation

Snow Arch as it seems?

and Terrain Bottle
temat: Creature Recoloring

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