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Niebiańska Kuźnia  (WoG, HotA, VCMI)temat: [VCMI/Projekt] Świątynia/Shrine
komnata: Niebiańska Kuźnia (WoG, HotA, VCMI)
strona: 1 - 2 - 3 ... 9 - 10 - 11

Kastore PW
1 stycznia 2019, 17:30

DragonKing PW
29 lutego 2020, 22:32
Miasto żyje? Jak nie to szkoda bo to chyba na Kwasowej Grocie najlepszy pomysł na miasto. Jak tak to świetnie. Życzę całej ekipie powodzenia.

Andruids PW
1 marca 2020, 02:44
Miasto żyje?

Odpowiedź na to pytanie znajduje się dosłownie na początku ostatniego posta autora miasta, więc nie wróżę dalszych sukcesów w czytaniu ze zrozumieniem.

Bacus PW
1 marca 2020, 07:39
LoL. Nikt Cie o zdanie nie prosił Andżej.

To rozmowa między mną, a kolegą Dragunovem.

Niestety, nie mam dobrych wieści. Miasto obecnie jest tam gdzie każde inne miasto tworzone przez użytkowników tego forum - zakurzone, zapomniane na jakimś rosyjskim dysku.

Po wielu latach i setkach godzin spędzonych na modowaniu tej gry zrozumiałem, że H3 nie jest wcale takie dobre, a nawet nie jest najlepszymi Herosami, więc mocno odechciało mi się w nich grzebać. Nie wspominając o VCMI, które jest platformą żenująco ograniczoną, która podobno nie ma granic XDDDD - spróbuj napisać skrypt, nową umiejętność albo coś fajnego - Nie da się XD

Kolejnym problemem jest to co pisałem w temacie Bastionu - zostałem oszukany i okradziony przez New Prawilon Team, który przywłaszczył sobie moje epokowe prace i nie chciał mi ich zwrócić kiedy po całkowitym formacie dysku chciałem pliki, modele i grywalną wersję 0.8, ale nic nie otrzymałem z powrotem.

Wtedy zwróciłem się do Rosjan i odpowiedział mi sam Don_Nintento64, który obiecał, że mi pomogą i dokończą ten projekt, ale w zamian mam siać zamęt i smród w polskim moddigu, oczywiście, że się zgodziłem, bo to uczciwa propozycja, ale tutaj znów zostałem oszukany. Okazało się, że ów Rosjaninem jest nie kto inny jak - tak tak, zgadłeś - Andżej Druids. Podszywał się za wielkiego Rosyjskiego modera, aby zniszczyć p0laków i nasze epokowe mody. Wiem, że brzmi to dziwnie, ale każde słowo jest prawdą.

Czyli w skrócie, jakby spytać Tritha czy dalej ma modele wykonane na potrzeby Shrine to można odzyskać część prac.
Ekran miasta jest do wykonania, więc to jeszcze jest w moich możliwościach, ale animacje, budowle to już coś co mnie przerasta, nie umiem into 3d, a nie chce się rozwidlać na wiele różnych dziedzin, bo wolę w jednej być niezły niż w 8 kiepski.

Pozdrawiam Pana i mam nadzieję, że rozjaśniłem historię projektu.

Bajan PW
1 marca 2020, 12:00
Nienawiść Bacusa i Andruidsa to społecznościowy inside joke czy serious business?

DragonKing PW
1 marca 2020, 15:37

Fandor PW
1 marca 2020, 20:13
Będziesz teraz odkopywać tematy o każdym byle jakim mieście jakiego pomysł kiedykolwiek pojawił się na tym forum? :p

Bacus PW
1 marca 2020, 20:17
Odkopał tylko 3 najlepsze projekty miast jakie tutaj się pojawiły lub powstały, więc co się czepiasz typie?

zeryss PW
25 marca 2021, 01:03
the project will go to the cemetery of cities ??

Trith PW
25 marca 2021, 22:27
Yes, this project is in the freezer, and will remain there until stated otherwise. I hope you are not having any funny ideas to revive this town, because while you sure have dedication, you have to understand that not authors would rather have their work dead than finished up with subpar quality.

While in the matter of fact my statement on old "Court" graphics I threw in the public forum was that they're free for use and it is entirely my fault to do so, I acually didn't expect anyone to do anything with them due to how bad and weird they were. I just put them there so people wouldn't complain that it's another project left with nothing to fans. If I knew you would fill the blanks with H5 music and graphics from internet I would have just said no, because even back when I abandoned them I wouldn't allow anyone to finish them like that, but unfortunately it came to my attention only after the thing was done. To me it feels that just existence of this little frankensteins monster takes away from the quality of the faction I actually finished. But again, I have noone to blame for that but myself.

However, trying to "revive" Oasis without permission and publish it that way was just disrespectful, no matter what your intentions were. Not sure if Nephretes ever made such statement public, but he clearly wished not to finish and publish Oasis until VCMI (or some other platform) allows making a faction that is fully functional.

I'm sure you have best intentions, but please next time when you revive a project, just take into consideration if the author would be okay with how you finish things up.

zeryss PW
25 marca 2021, 23:31
Yes, this project is in the freezer, and will remain there until stated otherwise. I hope you are not having any funny ideas to revive this town, because while you sure have dedication, you have to understand that not authors would rather have their work dead than finished up with subpar quality.

While in the matter of fact my statement on old "Court" graphics I threw in the public forum was that they're free for use and it is entirely my fault to do so, I acually didn't expect anyone to do anything with them due to how bad and weird they were. I just put them there so people wouldn't complain that it's another project left with nothing to fans. If I knew you would fill the blanks with H5 music and graphics from internet I would have just said no, because even back when I abandoned them I wouldn't allow anyone to finish them like that, but unfortunately it came to my attention only after the thing was done. To me it feels that just existence of this little frankensteins monster takes away from the quality of the faction I actually finished. But again, I have noone to blame for that but myself.

However, trying to "revive" Oasis without permission and publish it that way was just disrespectful, no matter what your intentions were. Not sure if Nephretes ever made such statement public, but he clearly wished not to finish and publish Oasis until VCMI (or some other platform) allows making a faction that is fully functional.

I'm sure you have best intentions, but please next time when you revive a project, just take into consideration if the author would be okay with how you finish things up.
I did not publish Oasis, although the author allowed, published by a rat from our team

zeryss PW
25 marca 2021, 23:33
Trith so that you could sleep peacefully, I removed my mods from the mods list

Nephretes PW
26 marca 2021, 13:17
I did not publish Oasis, although the author allowed, published by a rat from our team

Sorry, but I don't remember ever saying that I wanted it published. Indeed if I wanted anyone to finish Oasis for me, I would have posted my materials and regret it later like Trith did ಠﭛಠ

Instead what I might have said was: "I don't care" yet again underestimating scavengers in our fandom XD Anyway I would prefer to forget about Frankenstein which came out of it.

zeryss PW
26 marca 2021, 18:18
Sorry, but I don't remember ever saying that I wanted it published. Indeed if I wanted anyone to finish Oasis for me, I would have posted my materials and regret it later like Trith did ಠﭛಠ

Instead what I might have said was: "I don't care" yet again underestimating scavengers in our fandom XD Anyway I would prefer to forget about Frankenstein which came out of it.
I make mods for vcmi, the question is who saw the oasis on vcmi?

AmiDaDeer PW
26 marca 2021, 23:14
No, the question is: why have you published all these poor quality zombies of towns that were originally made by respected modders if you most probably did realize that they did not know about you zombifying their work, nor did they condone your "work" by any means?

Because, quite frankly, if you wanted to make quality mods for everyone to play - you failed. If you wanted to pay a tribute to all these modders that made assets you arguably treated very poorly - you failed. If you wanted to revive these projects and give them another life - you failed.

To be honest, you failed at all of that many times.

By what I saw from all your actions in our modding community, you don't seem to want to make anything worth time of players, but what's worse than that is that you don't care in the slightest about either the hard work of other people, or what they want their work to be part of.

While the poor quality of what you're doing is not something one can assume your worth by, the fact that you mistreat other modders... That alone is a good reason why it's not advisable to trust you.

And your excuses make this even more apparent.

zeryss PW
27 marca 2021, 00:51
it's always easier to blame or send someone than to help

AmiDaDeer PW
27 marca 2021, 01:28
Sorry, Zeryss, unless you stop treating people who made assets you use in your projects like they and their opinions don't matter, no one of these people would want to help you. Right now, all mod creators you basically have taken stuff from that I know of absolutely don't want to have anything to do with you - and no amount of cringy ad hominem will change that.

Kammer PW
27 marca 2021, 09:07
Eh, guys, there's no need to fight so fiercely. Go out, enjoy first spring sunrays and birds' chirping (using masks and social distancing, ofc).

As it may seems painful and quite wasteful -- we'll never play Shrine and several other promising towns from the past.
There's no point in debating about it -- we simply have to let it go and find new object of interest.

Majster PW
27 marca 2021, 21:05
If I may add two cents...

Zeryss, I admire your ease for making mods, but you make one big mistake: you never finish and polish your works. I play VCMI for new towns, so I focus on it. From all your works, Death Valley is the only one playable truly (while even there are minor bugs and inbalaces). The list of unfinished towns is pretty long: Limes, Glacier, Mythology, Evergreen and others. I wrote my revievs on VCMI forum, but you already know this topic:
Also, as it was already told, you started to touch works of other moders without permision. I am not sure you were allowed to threat Mythology, or Abyss as yours, but whatever. You shouldn't be suprised that community blame you for those mistakes, because you repet it constantly.

If I may give you advise. You could take one project and finish it properly. I don't know what skills excatly do you have, but when you get nice townscreen and buildings, but you don't have units, you can try to make a cooperation with somebody, or you can try to get skills on your own, as Florin did in case of Ruins. It's definetly better to spend effort on something which can give decent effects, than on something which will be only started.

About Shrine. It's a shame that project is abandoned. We know from the past, that miracles happen sometimes (like in case of Grove, or Pawilion). However, we may focus on glas which is partly empty, or partly filled. I choose the second option, and I enjoy the current cities we have in VCMI. If somebody is hunger to play a town in Far East climate, I recomend Retret. It's not the highest quality like Ruins, or Forge, but it's still enjoyable town to play.

zeryss PW
27 marca 2021, 22:25
I'm just too lazy to update the mod list
Zeryss, I admire your ease for making mods, but you make one big mistake: you never finish and polish your works. I play VCMI for new towns, so I focus on it. From all your works, Death Valley is the only one playable truly (while even there are minor bugs and inbalaces). The list of unfinished towns is pretty long: Limes, Glacier, Mythology, Evergreen and others. I wrote my revievs on VCMI forum, but you already know this topic:
Also, as it was already told, you started to touch works of other moders without permision. I am not sure you were allowed to threat Mythology, or Abyss as yours, but whatever. You shouldn't be suprised that community blame you for this mistakes, because you repet it constantly.

If I may give you advise. You could take one project and finish it properly. I don't know what skills excatly do you have, but when you get nice townscreen and buildings, but you don't have units, you can try to make a cooperation with somebody, or you can try to get skills on your own, as Florin did in case of Ruins. It's definetly better to spend effort on something which can give decent effects, than on something which will be only started.

About Shrine. It's a shame that project is abandoned. We know from the past, that miracles happen sometimes (like in case of Grove, or Pawilion). However, we may focus on glas which is partly empty, or partly filled. I choose the second option, and I enjoy the current cities we have in VCMI. If somebody is hunger to play a town in Far East climate, I recomend Retret. It's not the highest quality like Ruins, or Forge, but it's still enjoyable town to play.

---frozen together---

all mods have been updated for a long time, but only either in a group in VK or on a playlist on the channel

---frozen together---

Also, as it was already told, you started to touch works of other moders without permision. I am not sure you were allowed to threat Mythology, or Abyss as yours, but whatever. You shouldn't be suprised that community blame you for this mistakes, because you repet it constantly.
there are permissions and I helped the author with some works on mythology

---frozen together---

ALL MY WORKS REMOVED FROM THE LIST OF MOD I hope I explained this well and further discussion is pointless
Mod list
KammerKammerZeryss, please, use Edytuj button...
strona: 1 - 2 - 3 ... 9 - 10 - 11
temat: [VCMI/Projekt] Świątynia/Shrine

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