Kwasowa Grota Heroes VIIMight & Magic XHeroes III - Board GameHorn of the AbyssHistoria Światów MMSkarbiecCzat
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Niebiańska Kuźnia  (WoG, HotA, VCMI)temat: [HotA] Pytanie dotyczace postępów
komnata: Niebiańska Kuźnia (WoG, HotA, VCMI)
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avatar PW
1 stycznia 2016, 10:25
Update HotA jednak będzie, choć z opóźnieniem. Oby nie był robiony na szybko (by zdążyć na nowy rok) i zabugowany przez to...

radex115544 PW
1 stycznia 2016, 17:05
Jakieś nowe informacje? Bo z tego co widzę, to chyba w tego sylwestra nic nie było, chyba autorzy za mocno polecieli i nie dali rady nic wrzucić. :D

DarthDoman PW
1 stycznia 2016, 17:34
Coś ma być wkrótce tylko nie wiadomo co.

Ursus PW
1 stycznia 2016, 18:03
Ja bym raczej liczył na jakieś jednostki neutralne.

Nephretes PW
1 stycznia 2016, 18:16
Jak już pisałem, nie spodziewałbym się po nich nic wielkiego, jako że ich główny grafik- Alex-ander już z nimi nie pracuje aka jest nieosiągalny.

To co mogą zaprezentować to najwyżej kilka dekoracji i być może uda im się wprowadzić nową jednostkę neutralną.

W czasach kiedy próbowaliśmy nawiązać z nimi współpracę zażyczyli sobie syrenę. Być może udało im się znaleźć nowego frajera, który się tego podjął.

To jest nieukończona wersja MDT: Pierwotny model był Tritha, ja nanosiłem poprawki i w sumie nie wiem na czym stanęło, czy będzie to jednostka neutralna czy alternatywa dla Cove.


Ursus PW
1 stycznia 2016, 18:23
@Nephretes Ładna Syrenka, tylko ogon taki jakby posypany brokatem :)

Kuririn PW
1 stycznia 2016, 19:20
tylko ogon taki jakby posypany brokatem
Sylwester był :P

Darkem PW
1 stycznia 2016, 19:37
@Ursus89 Podejrzewam, że to zamierzony efekt. Nephretes lubi szczegóły i strojne jednostki, a to w końcu Syrena. Zresztą, łuski mienią się w słońcu, nawet u tak szarych ryb jak pstrągi. Znów, a to w końcu Syrena ;).

Janosik PW
2 stycznia 2016, 13:46
Jednak mieliście racje. Ja po części też "czułem", że coś może być w sylwestra/nowy rok.
Chciało by się bardzo dużo rzeczy w nowej wersji Hota, ale będę się cieszył z czegokolwiek. W sumie w pół roku, kilku PRO koderów jest w stanie coś zrobić.
Mówicie że jakiś główny grafik ich opuścił ale mam nadzieje, że mają w składzie jeszcze jakiś grafików.
Syrena mi się podoba - ma klimat.

Janosik PW
2 stycznia 2016, 13:56
No i proszę.... po napisaniu posta zajrzałem na forum i jest !

HotA 1.4.0 Options

An update to version 1.4.0. Summary:
Continuation of the campaign (quite raw, but, nevertheless, tested a little wider than the previous two in the time of release).
Horn of the Abyss himself and calls on the battlefield neutral.
10 brand new facilities and more than 5 unique water and remakes graphics.
Exchange the two heroes within the city.
Bug fixes HotA and original expansion of some of the technical possibilities.

Warning: as with any major release - version 1.4.0 may contain errors.

Full list of changes:

Version 1.4.0

[!] Format of saved games changed!
Stored in older versions of the game will not be read in this release.
Make sure you have completed all the value of the game for you to upgrade.

[+] Added a third campaign, Horn of the Abyss, continues the story of Biddle, Jeremy
and Kasmetry. It appears the same name artifact - a powerful weapon,
calling on the battlefield strength of the sea.

Bugs HotA
[-] Fixed a bug with the damage files saved games on the cards with more than 255 mines
[-] Fixed incorrect entry in the preservation of view the progress of the enemy at the opening
once too many cells card.
[-] Fixed a bug laying roads in the mandatory HSC: some roads could
Do not run
[-] Fixed a bug with the generation of several snow-trading post in the same area GSK
[-] Fixed bug with possible propadeniem mouse in the dialogue Gun Court
[-] Fixed crash when loading a map, if there are only 4 secondary skills,
one of which - necromancy
[-] Fixed bug with incorrect amounts Nymphs Manfred
[-] Fixed odds spells Wharf (2 and level 3 of the amount was not equal to 100%)
[-] Fixed bug with incorrect work Mantle Diplomat
[-] Fixed bug with incorrect damage guns in case of negative attacks the hero
[-] Fixed a bug with the calculated route during the flight, in which had the opportunity to
the attack on the monsters are not the last cell of the route
[-] Fixed the choice of Beatrice Ranlu, Kinkerii and Derek versions on maps
RoE, AB and SoD (because they are no longer the availability of other characters)

Game process
[+] Added a new neutral creature Fangarm
[+] Added a new object - Ancient lamp, allowing once the Supreme hire
Jean, the value of HSC in 3000, the frequency of 2, not more than 1 zone
[+] Added a new object - the Colosseum Mages, allowing hero to receive once a choice
2 to the power of magic and knowledge, value GSK 3000, the frequency of 50
[+] Added a new object - Watering, allowing to spend all movement points to
increase their number the next day, the value of HSC in 500, the frequency of 50,
generated on the rocks, no more than one zone
[+] Added a new object - the city gates, allowing teleport to any
friendly city GCW value 7000, the frequency 20, no more than one zone
[+] Added 4 new bilateral Monolith
[+] Added a new water body - Maritime Barrel, where you can find some
resources, the value of HSC in 500, the frequency of 400
[+] Added a new water body - lost cargo, where you can find some
ores and gold GCW value 500, the frequency 600
[+] Added a new water body - Vial Mana giving extra mana hero
GSK value in 3000, the frequency of 50
[+] Added a new water body - the Academy Sailing, allowing study
and improve secondary skills for a fee, the value of HSC in 8000, the frequency of 20,
no more than one zone
[+] Added a new water body - Altar of Mana, which allows to study to make mana,
sacrificing beings GCW value 100, the frequency 20, no more than one zone
[+] Added a new water body - Observatory that gives the hero +2 intelligence radius
until the end of the week value GCW 500, the frequency 20, no more than one zone
[-] Changed Shrine of Loyalty: now he gives effect to the next turn, and not
until the next battle
[-] Value Fort Hill reduced from 12,000 to 7,000
[-] In homes not owned by any one player is now the number of weekly
creatures into a single set of gains
[+] The number of skeletons podnmaemyh necromancy is now considered by the entire army of the enemy
as a whole, rather than on individual orders

Bugs SoD
[+] Fixed ignoring nastrennogo game in the map editor behavior AI
(Warrior / builder / scout)
[+] Fixed an issue with the location of the GSK zone in a narrow strip along the edge of the card
[+] Fixed GSK with the production of water in the cells of the lower right corner of the map
[+] Fixed bug with adding GSK incorrect passages between the zones due to the generation
facilities close to the border areas
[+] Fixed a bug with the ability to get infinite movement points at the expense of
Hats Admiral
[+] Fixed a bug with the ability to get bonuses to movement of water on land
[+] Fixed bug with nekoorrektnoy work of necromancy in the battles against the AI ​​AI
(rose no more than 1 of the skeleton)

Graphic arts
[+] Added Border Gate Water
[+] Added border guards and Sentinel Pass Water
[+] Added Pandora water
[+] Replaced schedule Pandora's Box
[+] Replace graphics Sea Chest
[+] Added two mossy stone swamp
[+] Added 3 new groups of trees to the swamp
[-] Fixed one of the image Fields of Glory
[-] Fixed portraits Asters, Lina and Miriam
[-] Fixed a graphics Sanctuary beholders

[+] Added a key exchange between the characters in the city
[-] Walking speed creatures in the battle of speed settings 4 and 5 increased 1.5-fold
[+] Added a hint of the Arena and the ability to give up her visit

[+] Changed the color of the shadows of objects on the sand
[+] Added additional shadow color objects on the map
[+] Added the ability to further animate objects on the map due to
Loop palette
[-] For cards versions RoE, AB and SoD bans spells no longer affect at what
spells are artifacts
[-] Some fixes in the launcher
[-] Some fixes maps and texts

Links to download the current version HotA have a permanent address: - the official version, the installation requires the original game. - full version contains the necessary elements of the original and HD-mod; It should be installed in a separate folder.

a z tego linka ja zassałem : - Version 1.4.0

działa :)
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temat: [HotA] Pytanie dotyczace postępów

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