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temat: [H3/projekt] Myth Mod komnata: Niebiańska Kuźnia (WoG, HotA, VCMI) |
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Dwabratanki |
Dear Heroes fans! We also made a mod primarilyfor our own entertainment. We modified the Heroes 3 complete exe so this is not a WOG, or VCIM project, we modify only the main-base game of Heroes 3. http://www.integraljatek.hu/?page_id=675 We play regularly with this mod for half a year already, but we still have to repair it on some points. A couple of things I'd like to ask for help. One, where in the H3 exe file can be configured to can be occupy 1 or 2 area tiles by a war unit? The second is for a unit, that he/she to can fly or can shoot where we can set this? Thank you very much for your help! Dwabratanki |
zmudziak22 |
I think, you need change creature abilities. I don't know how they stored in exe. |
glokku |
Jest gdzieś opis tego moda w wersji dającej się przeczytać po angielsku lub polsku węgierskiego niestety nie umiem. A tłumacz google niestety robi coś takiego: "Orzeł orły szirtnél gigantyczne i orzeł rekrutacji burzę. Giant Eagle umiejętność specjalna: Mucha, jeden za dwóch innych dziedzinach może zaatakować 1 i 3 czary poziomu oporu. Burza Eagle umiejętność specjalna: Mucha, jeden za dwóch innych dziedzinach może zaatakować 1 i 4 czary poziomu oporu." |
avatar |
Na podanej w pierwszym poście linku masz podstrony pod angielsku... |
Dwabratanki |
Dear Heroes Fans! Soon there will be a beta version in English, and on the site there will be a description of the characteristics of combat units as well. Unfortunately, only two of us make this H3 Mod so that’s why it is go ahead very slowly (our progress of work). We have been working on the H3 MYTH mod for two years already. |
AmiDaDeer |
Changed the topic's name due to page's rules. Don't worry about it. |
Gertos |
@Dwabratanki I assume you can use hex editor? Open hex editor. Since lane 002703b8 (pikeman-first unit) begins units code one by one (halberdier -0027042c, marksman- 002704a0 etc.) Code for each unit takes 20 pairs of digits. example of pikeman code : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 55 67 00 00 55 67 00 10 00 00 00 formula : 0A 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 xx xx xx 00 yy yy yy 00 DE FG HI JK 0A – unit belong to castle (00- Castle, 01 – Rampart etc.) 0B- unit level (00 for lvl 1, 01, for lvl 2, 02 for lvl 3 etc.) D – ability ( To set unit ability type digit of given ability or their amount) 1-Unit is alive 2- attack siege walls 4- unit is war machine 8 – E – ability 1-Unit takes 2 hexes 2- Unit can fly 4- unit can shoot 8- dragon breath ( attacks 2 hexes) F- ability 1-no melee penalty 2- 4-fire magic immunity 8-attack twice G –ability H-ability I-ability 1-enemies no retaliate 2-morale doesn’t works (such like undead I guess) 4-decrease enemies morale 8-attacks all around (such like hydra) xx yy- doeasn't matter here For example pikeman with abilities (takes 2 hexes, can fly, attacks twice, fire magic immunity, attacks all around): 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0c 55 67 00 00 55 67 00 13 c0 08 00 |
Dwabratanki |
Dear Gertos! Thank you very much for your help! |
Dwabratanki |
Hi Gertos! With this help, we can finish our fan made H3 mod. When we make a ranged one from a melee, we change the pikeman for a ranged code, then in the battle freeze. I changed the creature's animation (like the halfing), but it looks like it doesn't find the stone. How we can connect the ranged char and it's ammunition's DEF? (like arrow, stone) I would like to change the Rampart's centaur to a halfing (for shoot with stones) and the upgraded halfing with the same abilities like the rogue with the spying. |
Gertos |
All bullets are assigned to shooting units. As far as i know you can't set bullet to noshooting unit ( but i don't know much :P ). If you want shooting pikeman (or whatever) you can replace it for example for halfing and set him belonging to castle as lvl 1 unit, but this way you have to sacrifice halfing. :P In hexfile names of bullets begins here: 002608fc so you can make your own bullet animation and add it to H3sprite.lod |
Dwabratanki |
Dear Gertos! I discover lot of things your council's basis. Example: that a creature disappear one turns after. Just like the elementals's magics. How may be to the creatures to assign magics? Example: The "gosth" (chodzi o Zjawę - Hobb) or Troll is regenerating or that the Wyvern Monarch is poising other creatures. But exelet If you know that magics line in the hexa. I don't find the other element immunity. Like the fire immunity. What kind of hex line start the heroes types? I mean, man or woman in the adv. map or the hero graffic in battle screen. Thank You So Much! |
Gertos |
Hero properties starts here 279DD0. Code for each hero takes 92 pairs of digits. Orin: 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff ff ff 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 44 f1 67 00 34 f1 67 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *hero's sex (00 male, 01 female) *hero's race (00-07) *hero's vocation (00 knight, 01 Cleric...) *first secondary skill *level of first secondary skill *second secondary skill *level of second secondary skill *Spell book 00 or 01 *Spell *Starting monsters (00 pikeman, 02 marksman etc.) Hero graffics are placed in H3sprite.lod or H3bitmap.lod. About assigning magic I can't do it by hexediting.;< |
Dwabratanki |
Dear Heroes fans! We had to put our webpage on to a new page and it was a lot of work. We would like to draw a new unit into Rampart-The lord of the rings castle. The Rohan horseman. We would like to ask for help regarding to the exe file. We can't find the parts related to the units, heroes, and the buldings of the map in the exe. We would like to create a building where players can buy different units just like in the golem factory or in the elemental conflux. Thank You So Much! |
Dwabratanki |
Dear Gertos! Ohhh, thank You very Much! Where is the hero's special ability? |
Dwabratanki |
Everything finished with the MYTH mod, but there is something, where we stucked, what we can't finish. The Dungeon castle,is redraw and recolored. During the siege of the castle all of the Castle items are completed but we do not know what color mode should be saved in. So far, always the cyan background was seen. Please help me find the answer to this. http://heroes3mythmod.webgrade.tk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/M%C3%ADtosz-v%C3%A1r3.jpg |
Dwabratanki |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEzNkC4t7bM |
voncur |
Look very good, the Crusader units. Wandering knights looks no diffrent(before upgarde) New town looks ok, but buldings not completly blend in design. |
Dwabratanki |
Heroes of Might and Magic III: Mythology Mod - Crusader Units https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfkjOFEbJw4 The foundation of the kingdom of heaven! :-) |
Drwal |
Poza prze-kolorowanymi Nomadami i Rozbójnikami wszystkie defy jednostek są od dawna dostępne. O ile dobrze pamiętam większość to ripy Salamadre'a, które nie prezentują się w Heroes 3 jakoś wybitnie (zwłaszcza animacje standing). Ogólnie mod jest dość ciekawy, ale to raczej poziom Grove, a nie Forge czy Cove. |
Fandor |
Chociaż zazwyczaj bronię teorii, żeby brać się za coś porządnie, a nie wypuszczać półprodukty, to jednak liczę, że z tym projektem będzie jak z Forge, na początek byle jakie grafiki z neta, a następnie autor sam się nauczy, bądź znajdzie sobie grafika 3D. Podoba mi się jakość przekolorowywanek, na tę chwilę autor mógłby zrobić ich więcej zamiast brać ripy Salamandra, bo fajnie mu wychodzą. Nomad to kolorystycznie nawet fajniej niż oryginał się prezentuje ;). |
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